
How to Market to Millennials

To appeal to millennials, brands need to prioritize their status and make them feel special in every step of the purchase journey. This cohort stands out the most from the average internet user in wanting brands to improve their image and reputation. They’re a status-seeking bunch and are unlikely to be intrigued by brands that […]

Comprehensive brand strategy must consider the critical importance of color

Consider a red can of cola; blue striped capital letters, a black apple, and yellow arches –what brands come to mind? In each instance, color is the predominate element of identification and association with a brand. Color enables us to instantly recognize and draw emotional associations to a brand.

6 Signs of a Conscious Brand

Conscious Brands are: Empathetic, Multisensory, Habitual, Reformist, Collective and Moral.  This new ‘Conscious Brand’ is capable of being more responsive (to desires, moods and culture) and more responsible (helping people, partners and the planet grow).  To be ‘conscious’ means to be aware of and respond to your surroundings. So by calling for more conscious brands, we are calling […]

How to Build a Strong Brand

Motivate and resonate You are the answer to a need – make sure you know what it is! Personify Your brand should reflect who you are as a company and as a product/service and communicate who you are (or who you want to be) to your target Form an emotional connection You want them to think you […]

Will Conscientious Organizations Save our World?

We believe that the future will be Generation Co. Generation Co will be con-scious, con-nected, col-laborative, com-munal and co-creative. Generation Co are co-producers of brands in their choices of who they support, and they will demand that governments, businesses and brands will show the com-pass that guides Generation Co. Unlike the previous Generation thinking, Generation […]

20/20 Design Trends

While none of us had 2020 vision for what this year would bring, there’s no denying that – even in the face of a global crisis – creativity always prevails. In lockdown, all we had to distract and entertain ourselves with our social media, streaming xservices, online shopping, gaming and video conferences. Our US Election […]

Brand Positioning in a Pandemic

With customer spend dropping, and uncertainty threatening to tank the economy, CEOs and entrepreneurs might find their focus veering towards protecting the profit line. However, as many successful companies are beginning to learn, it’s how you position your brand in these challenging times that will decide whether you survive this crisis. All disasters, no matter […]