Exit Insights Succession Plus Podcast

Just wrapped up a segment with 🎙️ Darryl Bates-Brownsword for his podcast Exit Insights – a podcast dedicated to Succession Planning. Darryl’s business is Succession Plus. Stay tuned for the recording!

Our podcast topic was the relevance of re-branding and/ or renaming your business in preparing your business for sale.

🗝️PRO: A New Name Removes the Business Association From The Exiting Owner And More Attractive to A Potential Buyer Who Can Envision Themselves As Owners
🗝️PRO: Your New Name Could Be More Aligned with The Company Values / Products/ Services You Have Built Over The Years
🗝️PRO: You Can Target a Different Demographic With Your New Name
🗝️PRO: You Can Leverage Your Experience

🗝️Con: Rebranding to a New Name May Confuse Your Customers
🗝️Con: Rebranding Can Be Expensive and Complicated to Roll Out
🗝️Con: It’s Hard to Go Back To Your Old Name If You Regret Your Decision

Exit Insights PODCAST
The purpose of the podcast is to share the message that if you want to get the most from your life’s work, maximise value and exit on YOUR terms, then you will need to prepare your business so that it’s ready for exit, you are ready for exit and the business is attractive to be acquired.

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Do you have a company you are planning on selling? Let’s Talk!