
Talking with the Experts The Power of Branding: Why Brands are the Reason People Buy from Us

Interior design and architecture firms are at the forefront of embracing branding trends that redefine the industry. By aligning with sustainability, embracing minimalism, integrating technology, and celebrating cultural diversity, firms create compelling narratives that resonate with modern consumers. Through personalized experiences and innovative design solutions, firms shape the future of the industry, offering spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also socially responsible and culturally rich. Embrace these trends to elevate your brand and make a lasting impact in the world of design.

Why Do Rebrands Elicit Such Strong Reactions?

The rebrand of AirBNB stirred the marketplace

Design is the visual voice of a brand. It tells their story and shares their values. Aside from the product they deliver, their brand story— and how it is delivered and connects with their audience— is one of the most important tools a brand has. This simple fact makes change extraordinarily difficult.

Featured Speaker at the Small Business Expo

5 Ways To Build An Authentic Brand (Even If You’re Small) By Laura Sauter (speaker) of Agency Bel Branding at Small Business Expo, Boston April 2023

Small Business Expo Boston APRIL 13, 2023 3:30 pm room 2 The Westin Seaport Laura Sauter is a speaker, branding expert, and educator. As a consultant she has worked with some of the largest companies in the area including Fidelity, Raytheon, Philips, Biogen and TJX. But she has also worked with many more small companies, […]

4 Vs of Branding

Vision, Voice, Visuals and Versatility.Smart and attractive graphic design is one thing, but developing a cohesive and effective brand is something else. Here, we make sure your image reflects the essence of your brand. Designers create layouts, graphics and logos, but the reality is that your audience doesn’t see a layout, graphic or logo; instead, […]

Wordmark Logo Trends

For better or worse, most typography is designed to fade to the background. While this may come across as dull, it’s what allows letters to read well, putting the meaning of the words ahead of the designer’s ego. Typically, “fonts” achieve this through a predictably uniform style, but in 2021, I have been seeing wordmarks […]

Create a Brand Identity You’ll Be Proud Of

Starting a business is a process that’s both exciting and scary. But what about creating an entire brand identity? Branding tells the world who you are, what you’re about, and what people can expect from interacting with your business. It’s a big deal! The difference between a brand, branding, and brand identity www.calendly.com/agencybel/30min

Happy 20th Agency BEL

What does Best Film Oscar Winner Gladiator, Britney Spears dancing with a python at the MTV’s Music Video Awards, and the release of the iPod & X-Box all have in common? 2001 2001, June specifically, is the year my boutique brand strategy and design business AgencyBel was founded!   #Want to see how your brand performs against the […]