20/20 Design Trends

While none of us had 2020 vision for what this year would bring, there’s no denying that – even in the face of a global crisis – creativity always prevails. In lockdown, all we had to distract and entertain ourselves with our social media, streaming xservices, online shopping, gaming and video conferences. Our US Election […]

Conscious Leaders with a Heart

"If you want your brand to benefit from word of mouth you'd better give consumers something worth talking about." – Ken Peters

You might think that crises tend to bring out the worst in people. But in fact, crises cause us to view leaders as more charismatic and effective than we normally do. The Harvard Business Review just shared in the article, “How CEOs Can Lead Selflessly Through a Crisis” that CEOs have been stepping up to support […]

The Cost of Bad Design

In 2003 Nokia designed the strangest looking phone, Nokia 7600 which looked like a teardrop. This phone had a standard size screen for that time but figuring out how to hold this phone or fit into your pocket was a great labyrinth. Single-handed texting on this phone was out of the question. Plus it had […]

(re)ignite your Brand

Marketing PR Robin Samora works small business owners, entrepreneurs

Recently I spoke to a group of entrepreneurs at a 2-hour workshop designed to educate, inspire and help them understand how  to approach building a powerful brand from the inside out. This event was hosted by Marketing and PR expert Robin Samora. Attendees learned . . .  + About crucial brand building elements + How to […]

Teaching Package Design and Advertising Design this Semester

Teaching Package Design and Advertising Design this Semester Although my career path began as a graphic designer in the corporate and NY agency world, I have been fortunate to integrate teaching at the college level the last 9 years along with having Agency Bel. As a part-time faculty member at the New England Institute of […]