
What I Do

Creative Naming Services

These days, name candidates must meet unprecedented requirements before launch:

  • Trademark and domain-name availability
  • Linguistic and cultural acceptability
  • Consensus among multiple decision-makers
  • Oh, and don’t forget each name must creatively express brand essence in a way that’s magnetic, distinctive, concise, and long-lasting!

Naming Process

To ensure our clients clear these hurdles, AgencyBel has developed a naming process of best practices at every step:

  • Immersion: Our upfront meetings ensure immersive understanding of business objectives and elicit hard-to-articulate name preferences.
  • Creative: During name development, we create a staggering number of candidates, covering
    every viable name message, construction, and tonality (because sometimes you don’t know what you want until you see it).
  • Screening: Our preliminary trademark screening phase is typically secure enough not not have to hire an attorney. If you have concerns beyond what AgencyBel discovers, please consult legal advice. 


From the moment you engage AgencyBel to final name selection our team is focused on guiding you toward creative solutions that surprise and excite you and that are ownable and protectable as trademarks.